Imagine this: Tax deduction for you Tax-free income for Mom and Dad It doesn’t have to be Mom and Dad. The tax-free income can go to your brother or sister, or your best friend. To make this work, you need to have a business reason to travel and stay overnight at the...
Have you established a 105-HRA, Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA), or Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) to reimburse your employees for medical expenses? If so, congratulations! These HRAs are a great...
Do you need more 2020 tax deductions? Here’s an easy question: Do you need more 2020 tax deductions? If yes, continue on. Next easy question: Do you need a replacement business vehicle? If yes, you can simultaneously solve or mitigate both the first problem...
2021 Last-Minute Year-End Retirement Deductions The clock continues to tick. Your retirement is one year closer. You have time before December 31 to take steps that will help you fund the retirement you desire. Take a few minutes to review the four retirement plan...
Last Minute Year End Deductions for Married or Divorced people – Tax Strategies – Kiddie Tax If you are thinking of getting married or divorced, you need to consider December 31, 2020, in your tax planning. Here’s another planning question: Do you give...
The purpose of this post is to get the IRS to owe you money. The purpose of this post is to get the IRS to owe you money. Of course, the IRS is not likely to cut you a check for this money (although in the right circumstances, that will happen), but you’ll realize the...